Empowering Kids in Kenya

Empowering Kids in Kenya

About us

Please see our website for a more in-depth look at this super school

Bombolulu Secondary School in Kenya (empoweringkidsinkenya.org)

Bombolulu Secondary School - providing an education to kids who can't afford school

In January 2023 the first 35 children entered Year 7 of this amazing school.  It only offers a place to children who have tried hard in their primary school and simply cannot afford to attend even a state secondary school. In January 2024 we will have another year of children making 70 at this stage in our development. 2025 will see all of years 7, 8 and 9 attending which makes up the entire lower secondary school contingent.

Our national exam results are outstanding - these children have risen to the challenge

Bearing in mind the extremely poor and vulnerable background of all of our children, it is amazing that they have achieved so much in just their first year at Bombolulu. 

It is a super success story and all credit must go to every one of our supporters, sponsors and donors, plus the staff and of course the pupils. 

However, the future of the school hangs in the balance......

Unfortunately the school currently only has three classrooms, sufficient for 2023 and, at a push, 2024 but when the next contingent of children enter the school in January 2025, there will simply not be enough space for them.  The government will probably therefore recind our licence.  It is imperative that we build at least the next floor of the school to secure it's future.  This will mean a further four classrooms, sufficient to see the school into 2025.

With the new building first floor in place, this means that our charity, your charity, can fill the gap in the education of the poorest children by offering them the chance to join a local, day, junior secondary school. The alternative for these children is to attend state schools, many with 100 to a class, with long distances to walk or travel each day. They definitely can’t afford the better options which are boarding schools. Very often they would simply leave education at age 11 or 12, with the girls being offered for marriage or going to work as house helps.

Please can you help?

If you are able to donate during the week 27 November to 5 December your generous donation can go towards matching our amazing pledges. We need to build the next floor before the end of 2024.

Development at Bombolulu Secondary School

We have taken on a new head teacher and three new secondary school teachers. They are young, very well qualified and will take the school forward in a proactive and dynamic way. Thomas is the head teacher, Bonface Sylvia and Zulekha are the other three teachers, Nancy is the school manager.

As part of these changes we have set up a more formal governance structure with a local board of school governors and have appointed Enos as the new chair of the board of governors. He has an extensive educational and management background, holds a Masters in Education, and is supported by a board with a wide range of relevant business skills.

The curriculum for this education level covers the classic basic subjects as well as a number or subjects to help the students acquire work skills. With the facilities we now have available the school building will also be used for further education for the local community and for initiatives such as the medical camp we hosted last year.

I cannot praise Nancy, our school manager, enough for her tenacious and proactive support and hard work to get us to this stage in such a short space of time.

Thank you

Our sincere thanks go out to each and every one of you who sponsors or supports the children in order that they can reach their goals and full potential. Every sponsorship we receive makes a significant difference to our children and helps the local community to develop and grow. Without your support, the majority of these children would drop out of education altogether – aged just 12 years old.



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